Using DIAdem to Synchronize Data From Different Files 您所在的位置:网站首页 diadem软件data portal Using DIAdem to Synchronize Data From Different Files

Using DIAdem to Synchronize Data From Different Files

2024-07-16 04:42| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

For demonstration purposes, this article refers to the files in the attached .zip folder. Namely:

test set1.TDMtest set2.TDMSynchronize Channels script.VBS   Manually Synchronizing Channels 1. Load the two data files ("test set1.TDM" and "test set2.TDM" in the example) into DIAdem's Data Portal. Refer to Loading TDM Files for instructions. 2. If using Waveform Channels, convert them into Numeric Channels. Note: It is possible to synchronize Waveform Channels. However, both channels must have the same Waveform x-offset and Waveform x-step width property values. On the ANALYSIS Panel, navigate to Channel Functions >> Numeric Channels Waveform Channels...In the pop-up window, set the following options: Conversion mode to Waveform channels Numeric channels.X-part to Generate numeric channel (relative time reference).Click the "..." button next to Channels to select multiple Waveform Channels to convert.Click OK. Complete this step for both TDM data files.  

3. The Data Portal will now list Numeric Channels (indicated by the "XY" symbol) along with a new channel that represents the x-axis of the converted channels (titled "NoName" and "x" for each Channel Group in the example).

Note: if two or more x-axis Numeric Channels are generated within a single Channel Group, verify that all y-axis channels reference the corresponding x-axis by following these steps: Navigate to Channel Functions >> Channels XY-Channels in the ANALYSIS Panel.In the pop-up window, set the Conversion mode to Create channel reference.Select the y-axis channel(s) that require re-referencing and specify an x-axis channel to be referenced. At this point, any unused x-axis channels can be deleted.Verify that each y-axis channel within a Channel Group is referencing the same x-axis channel by checking the X-Channel reference property, as shown below.

4. If the newly generated x-axis channels do not have a value for Source file, Source file path and Data source type properties, follow the steps below:

Select the x-axis channel in the Data Portal and expand the Origin properties section.Modify the Source file, Source file path and Data source type properties to match the y-axis channels, as highlighted in the image below.Repeat this for all x-axis channels.

Note: The Channels XY-Channels function mentioned in step 3 can also be used if your data channels were already Numeric Channels and you did not had to convert them from Waveform Channels, this will create a reference between the y-axis channels and their corresponding x-axis channel.

5. In the ANALYSIS Panel, click Channel Functions >> Synchronize Data from Different Files.6. In the pop-up window, choose the following configuration:

Synchronization Channels to the channels that require synchronizing. This is "[1]/U+ (rms)" and "[2]/U_pos_pu" in the example. X-Offset Correction to Automatic and Calculate in frequency domain.Click OK.The ANALYSIS Panel will populate with the following message upon successful completion: "Mapping onto the new x-area was successful. All channels requiring modification were replaced."

7. Navigate to the VIEW Panel and plot the synchronized channels. 

Automatically Synchronizing Channels

The code in this section executes the steps above inside a VB Script (.VBS file). From the DIAdem SCRIPT Panel, open "Synchronize Channels script.vbs" from the example files.Alternatively, select File >> New VBS from the SCRIPT Panel and paste in the following code.

Note: Modify the bolded line in the code below to load the TDM data files from the local directory on your PC.

'-------------------------------------------------------------------------------'-- VBS script file'-- Created on 03/22/2022 16:00:27'-- Author: NI'-- Comment: Demonstration of how to use the Synchronize Data from Different Files function'-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Option Explicit  'Forces the explicit declaration of all the variables in a script.Dim i, j, mySheet, myArea, myGraph, myCurve

'--Load in the 2 files. NOTE: you will have to change this directory for your PC --'Data.Root.Clear()Call DataFileLoad("C:\Downloads\test set1.TDM|C:\Downloads\test set2.TDM", "TDM", "Load|ChnXYRelation")

'--Display unsynchronized channels --'Call MsgBoxDisp("Channels before synchronization:")

Call View.NewLayoutSet mySheet = View.Sheets(1)Set myArea = mySheet.Areas(1)myArea.DisplayObjType = "CurveChart2D"Set myGraph = myArea.DisplayObjCall myGraph.Curves2D.RemoveAllmyGraph.YScaling = "n axes [phys.]"Set myCurve = myGraph.Curves2D.Add("","[1]/U+ (rms)")Set myCurve = myGraph.Curves2D.Add("","[2]/U_pos_pu")


'--Change some channel properties to make looping easier later on --'For i = 1 to data.Root.ChannelGroups.Count  For j = 1 to data.Root.ChannelGroups.Count    Data.Root.ChannelGroups(i).Channels(j).Properties("wf_xname").Value = "x"   NextNext

'-- Convert the first waveform channel in each Group to numeric. This generates a new Numeric x axis channel --'Set ChnResult = ChnConvertWaveformToNumeric("[1]/[1]", False, "WfXRelative")Set ChnResult = ChnConvertWaveformToNumeric("[2]/[1]", False, "WfXRelative")

'-- Rename the newly generated numeric X axis channel to Time --'Data.Root.ChannelGroups(1).Channels("x").Name = "Time"Data.Root.ChannelGroups(2).Channels("x").Name = "Time"

'-- Convert the other waveform channels into numeric, but remember to relate every Y channel to the numeric X channel generated in line 22. --'For i = 1 to data.Root.ChannelGroups.Count  For j = 3 to data.Root.ChannelGroups(1).Channels.Count    Set ChnResult = ChnConvertWaveformToNumeric("["&i&"]/["&j&"]", False, "WfXRelative")    Set Data.GetChannel("["&i&"]/["&j&"]").xRelation = Data.GetChannel("["&i&"]/Time")        If Data.Root.channelgroups(i).Channels.Exists("NoName") Then      Call Data.Root.ChannelGroups(i).Channels.Remove("NoName")    ElseIf data.Root.channelgroups(i).Channels.Exists("x") Then      Call Data.Root.ChannelGroups(i).Channels.Remove("x")  End If    NextNext

'-- Use the Synchronize Data from Different Files function --'Call ChnResampleFreqBasedXOffsetCalc2("[1]/Time","[1]/U+ (rms)","'[1]/Time', '[1]/U+ (rms)', '[1]/I+ (rms)', '[1]/P (W)'",0,"[2]/Time","[2]/U_pos_pu","'[2]/Time', '[2]/U_pos_pu', '[2]/P', '[2]/I_pos_pu'",-2.1818909,1,"Automatic",2000,"Automatic",0,0,"TimeDomain",10)

Call MsgBoxDisp("Channels after synchronization:")






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